The Best Chocolate Chip Cookies in NYC!

in #food8 years ago

You either eat to live or LIVE TO EAT, and I am the latter. I'm very into health and fitness, BUT if I'm going to eat something calorically dense and delicious, it has to be the best of it's kind and worth it! Then you can enjoy every bite, guilt free, as life is too short to not eat.... cookies!

This brings me to my video I made a few years ago that I'd like to share with you all. :) What are the best chocolate chip cookies in NYC and where can you get them? Well I'll tell you here! I put a lot of time and effort (and workouts, haha) into sampling chocolatey chip delights to come up with my top 3 picks. Let me know what you think!


Who has the best oatmeal cookies in NYC? If you could help me with that, I will love you forever!