Modified steps:
- Heat up the canola oil. Pour the hot oil into the blended chili flakes.
- Stir the hot oil so that it mixes well with the chili flakes.
- Add sugar and salt into the mixture.
- Set aside for several hours to dissolve the spiciness into the oil.
- Filter the chili flakes out of the red oil.
- Saute the Szechuan peppercorns for 5 minutes (low heat).
- Red oil in, deep fried the ginger, green onion, red onion, star anise, cinnamon sticks, cloves, bay leaves, together with the Szechuan peppercorns for extra 5 minutes (medium heat).
- Filter all those ingredients out from the oil.
- To season, add soy sauce, black vinegar, sesame oil, oyster sauce and chicken powder.
- Saute the peanut and white sesame seeds.
- Crush the peanuts.
- Saute some slices of ginger and green onion, then pan fry the chicken thighs with the red chili hot.
- Slice the chicken thighs then serve it on a plate.
- Sprinkle some grounded peanut and white sesame seeds on the meat.
- Put some chopped green onion and cilantro as garnish.
What is the difference?
- The chicken thigh is pan-fried with the hot spicy chili oil instead of being cooked in water. That gives extra crispiness on the outside and more spiciness on the inside.
- The Szechuan peppercorns and other spices are being toasted and deep-fried at a later stage. This ensures that more of the mouth-numbing chemicals of Szechuan peppercorns stays in the oil. The aromatic flavor from the other spices is also much more significant.
- I am not sure what is going on in the cooking process. But it seems that the longer the ingredients are being deep-fried, the less significant their flavor is.
- 先用燒滾的菜籽油倒入打碎的乾辣椒。
- 將熱油分三次倒入辣椒粉,達到一香二紅三辣的效果。
- 加糖,加鹽,攪拌均勻。
- 放置幾小時,讓乾辣椒的辣味慢慢滲出。
- 過濾辣椒油,備用。
- 以小火乾煸花椒五分鐘。
- 倒入辣椒油,開中火,油熱後倒入薑片,青蔥將之爆香。
- 再倒入八角、肉桂、丁香、月桂葉繼續爆香五分鐘。
- 濾出以上香料,辣椒油備用。
- 以少許辣椒油,香煎雞腿肉。
- 煎熟後,將雞腿切塊。
- 將花生、白芝麻煸香。
- 把花生壓碎。
- 辣椒油加上生抽、蠔油、麻油、黑醋,攪拌均勻。
- 雞腿肉上淋上特調辣椒油、花生碎、白芝麻、一些蔥花、香菜。
- 比起用水煮,又要浸冰水;這直接用辣椒油嫩煎,省時步驟簡單,口感又較為香脆。
- 之前是先煸香花椒,然後再加入其它香料,再把熱油淋在辣椒粉。這一次,先把熱油爆香辣椒粉,釋出辣味後,再用辣油去爆香花椒和其它香料。其中原理我還沒想通,不知道是不是因為長時間的高溫油爆過程把這些味道給破壞掉,但似乎把花椒留到後面才爆香,比較能嚐到花椒的麻,而且八角那些其它的香料味道也比較明顯。