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RE: Growing Meat: The Future Of Agriculture

in #food7 years ago (edited)

This is most likely a health scam like all the rest. All the big crony capitalist companies like Monsantos wet dream. This meat will require a lot of their shitty products to grow, and in the other end they are lobbying for the pharmasutical products when their customers are getting sick from their food. The food industry owns the pharmasutical industry. See the point?

This "meat" will most likely get cheaper than regular meet as they put more and more regulations on farmers as well as the productions processes are evolved. Regulations for animal welfare being one of them.

The animal welbeing movement are like this useful idiots for the big companies like monsanto that most of them are aware of, but unable to see the bigger picture.

The solution is to remove regulations. Let the customer choose to buy from the farmer that treats the animals best.

I'm never going to eat this chemical, malnutrition-smudge.


Even by American food standards, that is truly appalling - cancer burgers will certainly be profitable for the drug companies though...