🍔 Healthy #1 What are the least calorie burgers of McDonald's? 🍔

in #food8 years ago

The McDonald's is surely the worst enemy of a healthy and balanced diet. Indeed,
the menus are very caloric, because of their sauces and the ingredients used (frying, salt ...) But here, we can allow ourselves this gap from time to time. So to reduce guilt, I selected for you the least calorie Mcdonalds!

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🍔 the least calorie burgers of McDonald's? 🍔
The least calorie burger would be the famous Hamburger. It contains 250 kcal and 8g of fat. But it is not necessary to have a very great appetite, since the latter is less imposing and less packed than the other burgers proposed by the chain of fast food. The Hamburger is followed closely by Croque Mcdo (two toasted breads, topped with ham and melted emmental) with 258 kcal and 9g of fat. Finally, in the third position, comes the Mc Fish (breaded fish, topped with ketchup between two slices of burger bread) with 283 kcal and 7g of fat.

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The least caloric accompaniments

The least calorie accompaniments are the Deluxe Potatoes (spicy potato pieces) with 215 kcal and 10g of fat. Then you will find the famous fries (small) with 240 kcal and 11g of fat. Finally, count respectively for the average fry and the large fry 341 kcal and 448 kcal.
Side sauces, the Apples-Frites-sauce remains the least caloric with 27 kcal. The ketchup contains about 30 kcal and the barbecue sauce counts 40 kcal.
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