Benefits of Cassava Leaves For Fever and Treatment

in #food7 years ago
It seems almost all Indonesian people must have consumed cassava leaves as in fresh vegetables, processed into cooking bersantan, stir-fry and various other preparations because the price is affordable and has a delicious taste.However, in addition can be consumed into a variety of processed foods delicious, cassava leaves it also contains important nutrients that are beneficial to health such as lowering.

In cassava leaves contain fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B17, phosphorus, calcium, protein and also iron that is needed by the body to maintain health as well as cure diseases. To find out one of the uses of cassava leaves, please refer to reviews about the benefits of cassava leaves for the fever of us following.

Benefits of Cassava Leaf
Cassava leaves containing many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants is very useful to reduce fever quickly because it has long been used as a lowering of heat as well as overcome the symptoms caused by the disease as below.

  1. Boost the immune system
    When the fever is attacking the body, then the immune system that will send signals to the brain so that body temperature can be increased to kill bacteria, germs, viruses cause fever and also disease-causing parasites. Usefulness of cassava leaves here is to boost the immune system due to the content of vitamin C, vitamin A and several other minerals.

  2. Source Antioxidants
    In order to decrease the fever can run faster, then consume cassava leaves are also highly recommended because it contains high antioxidants derived from enzymes, vitamins and minerals that can accelerate the process of healing the symptoms of the fever.

  3. Overcoming Fever Infection
    Because of the high antioxidants in cassava leaves, these leaves can also be used to decrease one type of fever that is the fever of infection that becomes common fever due to viruses and also small animals that enter the body.

  4. Cure Fever Non Infection
    Cassava leaves can also be consumed to overcome the non-infectious fever caused by disease in the body. This non-infectious fever can cause several complications of diseases such as tumors, leukemia, rheumatism and several other diseases.

How to Process Cassava Leaf
Actually, to process the leaves of cassava as a fever medicine to be one way that is not only easy but also delicious because it can be consumed directly such as cassava decoction for lalap, urap, buntil, vegetable coconut milk and various other processing ways. But in order for the results to be more effective, you can use the complete way we provide the following.

Prepare cassava leaves to taste, 1 stalk of lemongrass and 15 grams of ginger.Boil all these ingredients together with 100 cc of water until the remaining 400 cc only.As for the external medicine can soften 5 pieces of cassava leaves with 15 grams of ginger and lime betel sufficiently.

How to Consume Cassava Leaf
In addition can be used as a friend side, this cassava leaves can be processed into herbal ingredients to reduce heat fever that is for outside drugs and also in.

To consume boiled water cassava leaves can be drunk as much as 2 times a day ie morning and afternoon, each 200 cc.As for external use as a heat-reducing compress, cassava leaves that have been mashed into a paste can be used as a compress area of the body that is ill like the forehead, stomach, back, soles of the feet and some other body parts.

Side Effects of Cassava Leaf
Although cassava leaves have a delicious flavor as well as easy to obtain to reduce the heat, but avoid consuming either whole cassava leaves or boiled water because it can cause some side effects like the following.

  • Poisoning
  • Stomach ache
  • Headache
  • Shortness of breath
  • Increase uric acid levels
  • Increase cholesterol levels
  • Increase blood pressure

Hopefully our review of this time about the benefits of cassava leaves for fever can be useful and increase your knowledge about herbal solutions to reduce fever and its symptoms. Be sure to consume cassava leaves according to the dosage in order to heal the fever properly without the need to cause harmful side effects to the body.source

Thank you for reading hopefully useful

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