Goreng tempe kekinian ( french tempe zaman now )

in #food7 years ago (edited)

Good afternoon steemians ....

Famous in today is not just a child (kids age) or even old (old age now) hhehe ....
Fried tempe was there ..

I with my sister trying a new recipe ..
From the base of tempe ..
As a result yummi yummi yummi.....

This time snack can be a trend because I post in steemit ..

make it easy ..
The recipe is ....

¤ tempe
¤ red onion
¤ garlic
¤ red chilli
¤ chilli powder
¤ salt
¤ sugar
¤ flavored flavor ..
"" all the ingredients are tastes ya steemians .. how much ""

Flour ingredients:
¤ wheat flour
¤ blue band
¤ water to taste
¤ royco
¤ white pepper powder
¤ salt
¤ flavored flavor ..

How to make:
Cut a piece of tempe rather thick, then the middle of the iris again do not break up to be stuffed ..
Set aside all spices destroy raw, stir well ..

Put the seasoning destroy mix in the middle of the tempe in the iris earlier ..
Set aside ..

How to make the flour, mix all the ingredients flour stir well ..
After that ..
Put the tempe that has been given the stuffing and then fry the hot oil until browned ..
Lift the drain ...

Ttttaaaaaarrrrrrraaaaaa .............
Fried tempe age now yummi...
Serve with the rest of his ultimate spice .. makyoosss yummmmmiii....

Thank you and hopefully useful ..
Who would try to make hopefully satisfactory results ..

Bahasa :

Selamat sore steemians....

Yg terkenal di jaman sekarang bukan hanya anak kecil ( kids zaman now ) atau pun orang tua ( old zaman now ) hhehe....
Goreng tempe pun ada lho...
Goreng tempe kekinian..

Aku bersama adik ku mencoba resep baru ..
Dari bahan dasar tempe..
Alhasil enyak enyak enyak.....

Kali aja cemilan ini bisa trend karena aku post di steemit..
Cara membuat nya mudah..
Resepnya ....

Bahan :
¤ tempe
¤ bawang merah
¤ bawang putih
¤ cabe merah
¤ cabe rawit
¤ garam
¤ gula
¤ penyedap rasa..
"" semua bahan nya selera ya steemians..
Mau seberapa banyak nya ""

Bahan tepung :
¤ tepung terigu
¤ blue band
¤ air secukupnya
¤ royco
¤ lada putih bubuk
¤ garam
¤ sasa..

Cara membuat :

Potong potong tempe agak tebal, lalu tengahnya iris lagi jangan sampai putus untuk diberi isian..

Uleg semua bumbu mentah, aduk rata..

Masukan bumbu ulek tersebut pada bagian tengah tempe yang di iris tadi..

Cara membuat tepung nya, campur semua bahan tepung aduk rata..
Setelah itu..
Masukan tempe yang sudah di beri isian lalu goreng minyak panas hingga kecokelatan..
Angkat tiriskan...

Goreng tempe zaman now dah jadi dehhhh....
Di sajikan bersama sisa bumbu uleg nya..
D jamin makyoosss...

Terima kasih dan semoga bermanfaat..
Yang mau coba bikin semoga hasilnya memuaskan...