The truth about food cap. 1

in #food7 years ago

I don’t want to spend too much talking about me, I'll just tell you some benefits that I could experience and that affect my mind and beauty.

In the past I was often sad, completely discontent and living with a sense of perennial dissatisfaction, even though I didn’t show it to others. Now I live with a new feeling of cheerfulness from morning till evening, that never leaves me! I am always quiet, with a great desire to live and an enthusiasm for everything I do, typical of children. People tell me I’m sunny and always smiling, without any effort from me, no negative thought ever goes on in my head and, indeed, I am always in a good mood.

I face life with another stimulus, that I’ve never had. It doesn’t exist nothing nowadays that depress me, I'm sure of myself and face problems with a positive attitude; what had once seemed a drama, now looks like a banality.

I’m delighted by little things every day, by a gentle gesture toward others and no longer from material goods; in this way, I can easily manage my money, because I don’t really need a lot to be happy.

Every day I feel a sensation of well-being and gratitude that makes me a stronger person both morally and spiritually. I’m not scared at all now of anything, I don’t care about the future, I live my life in the present. All anxieties and worries have disappeared! There’s no physical pain anymore, no headaches, no premenstrual syndrome: my menstruation has decreased considerably and is completely painless. Swelling and constipation are a distant memory, the belly is finally flat, this without suffering hunger or having to face indomitable cravings. I have a lot of energy, I need to sleep less and my night’s rest is quiet and without nightmares...



From someone who has suffered from mental illnesses (and still suffers now from time to time) it makes me happy to hear you have found fullfillment and happiness in your life. Never be afraid to talk about how you feel. Hopefully this platform allows you to express yourself with freedom. Stay strong brother