Chia seeds – benefits, recipe and nutritional value

in #food7 years ago

Chia seeds gained a great popularity over the last couple of years, especially between people that want to lose some weight trough meal plans.

Like all other seeds, chia seeds are rich in vitamins and minerals. After all, seeds needs to contain them as they create life for a plant when put into the ground.


Chia seeds – recipe

With the ability to absorb the liquid and make pudding from anything liquid to put in, there is a wide variety of recipes you can make with these wonderful seeds.

Chia seeds can a make pudding of every liquid

We have chosen the simplest recipe to effectively consume seeds without much cooking, roasting and other time consuming activities in the kitchen.

Chia fresca – chia seeds recipe

The simplest way to consume them is to drink them. The ancient recipe originaly named Iskiate or Chia fresca is very popular. Leave chia seeds in half of a glass of water overnight, soak half a lemon in the morning, pour water and enjoy a delicious drink.

chia fresca.jpg

Nutritional value of chia seeds – 15 grams

calories: 73
protein: 2.5 grams
carbs: 1.2 grams
fat: 4.7 grams

They are well known by their high omega-3 fatty acids content so with one tablespoon of chia seeds you basically matched your daily omega-3 fatty acids intake considering that you have matched your omega-6 and omega 3 ratio.

They are high in omega-3 fatty acids

Marketing exaggerations on chia seeds

We can hear that chia contains more micronutrients than other known foods (3x more spinach iron, 15x more magnesium than broccoli), but what no one takes into account is the amount of chia seeds that is 100 grams in those cases.

Can you eat 100 grams of chia seeds in the same meal? Unlike 100 grams of spinach, the same thing with broccoli and other foods. Chia is great, but there is no need to overwhelm, it is a great story in theory, but reality is a bit different.

100 grams of chia seeds has 7.7 mg of iron – you can’t eat 100 grams of them
300 grams of spinach has 8.1 mg of iron – you can eat 300 grams of spinach

When they are in season?

You can buy them troughout the year.

What is your favorite recipe with chia seeds? Write it down in the comments!



I love chia seeds! Hopped on the bandwagon 2 years ago when its all everyone ever talked about. I usually add it to my detox water to gain the health benefits :) Also, use it in my baking sometimes.

Nice :) I use it to make pizza dough along with hard cheese and eggs :)

Thank you! Do you like chia seeds? Have some recipe for us to share? Would be happy to get as much as possible value trough recipes here in the comments so everyone can profit from them. So we can make a little chia cookbook from all the comments :D

I think that would be great!


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