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RE: Demand For Transparency: Consumers Want To Know Where Their Food Is Coming From

in #food8 years ago

There are farms doing questionable things all around the US as well, and throughout a number of nations, not just in china. I think if consumers had transparency and were shown videos of conditions of the places where a lot of the products come from, i think they would make different choices.


Well that's true. That is why I only buy grass fed beef and pork from my local butcher when I feel like eating meat. Store bought food is a nightmare now that I've done some reading on it. A lot of people don't want to know.

i usually get my grass fed beef from the market but ive been looking around for local farms and one i might try soon sells it in bulk, would be a few months worth but def worth it i think

I can taste the difference dramatically. I'm the person at the party that asks where they bought the beef now and usually passes on it.