My boyfriend and I went on a date. Well, being with your boyfriend and eating is a date right? It doesn't have to be fancy you just have to be happy. Let's get to the point, we ate at Tokyo Tokyo and we ordered a sumo meal. At first we were given drinks; fruit burst and cucumber & lemonade.
I personally don't like cucumber but this one tastes good. I really like the fruit burst, so obviously the fruit burst is mine and the cucumber one is for my boyfriend. After waiting for 5-10 minutes our order came.
This is the Big Chicken and it is really big. It tastes good, the sauce above is a little salty.
The Four Shrimp, it's tasty but the shrimp is 1/4 of the flour but the flour is quite delicious so I think it is kind of okay. My favorite part is the soy sauce, it tastes like no other. It's 5/5 and it suits very well on the shrimp.
The rice have sesame seed on it. Uhm, is this sesame? I'm not sure. One of the best thing here in Tokyo Tokyo is that they have unlimited rice.
This is our order if you put them all together. Happy eating!
all the food is tasty and delicious....
It is! 😁