Exactly, and though it isn't always possible to find out where our food comes from, with some work you can.
Back in the US it's harder, but I do it. I found a local farmer who raises humanely. It is more of a trip to get food from him (In the US the rules on selling such food is very restricted and to even get homogenized milk I have to go TO the farm as it is illegal in my state for a farmer to sell it by transport only if you go to him).
I also always raise my own chicken and quail when I'm in the US so I have my own supply of fresh eggs, which are an AMAZING source of protein and also very low in calorie for anyone watching 'their figure'. That way I definitely know what is going into their diet and how they are treated.
It isn't easy, for sure, but hopefully we can make little changes here and there. If small farmers were allowed to grow and sell the meat into the larger system it would work but as I said it would be costly, therefore the farmers would have a living wage and we would all be forced to eat smaller more realistic quantities of meat, but in the USA most of the small farms were bought out over the past two decades and a lot of the major land base for it's production is owned by a few conglomerate corporate farms.
It's an odd future into which we are all headed, that is for certain.
Ignorance is the real enemy. I plan to post more about food issues as well as how we treat the planet in general. It's so important to discuss