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RE: I love pie almost as much as I love sleep

in #food7 years ago

Mmm, pie. I enjoy such things in my digital diet now, as I am trying to stay off carbs, but I can look at yummy things, that's allowed ;) And I love apple pie, but it always makes me think of Autumn and hot mulled cider and the earthy smell of the garden that time of the year.

Sorry about your noisy neighbours. That is a positive to living in the Country, my loudest neighbours are my roosters crowing and the geese on the beach honking (better than cars honking though) :)


I can understand that. When I’m trying to be good with my diet I find myself watching cooking shows.

That’s really cute. It reminds me of when I visited my grandparents farm for the first time as a child. I wanted to strangle and snuggle the rooster at the same time. XD

It is a dichotomy of love and hate. In the early morning the roosters crow and the hen's "I'm Laying an egg in here" Squawk can annoy, but when they cluck and waddle at me when I go out to them, I'm then enthralled.