You might be depressed because you’re not burning enough calories

in #food7 years ago

Yeah, this might seem ridiculous and absolutely unrelated but science has given us reason to believe that you might be experiencing the blues solely because you stopped working out.

If you really give it some thought, you will realize that it makes sense. Working out gets our hearts pumping and releases good hormones, leaving us energized and upbeat. Therefore, coming from that rejuvenated place, if you suddenly stop exercising then your mood might drop.

Furthermore, a recent study shows that there is a link between stopping exercise and depression. This study focused on people who had been working out as frequently as three times a week. When they stopped some showed definite depression markers after a week and others as quickly as three days.

While this study used a small sample size, and so not generalizable yet, it has given scientists cause to stop and ponder. Prior to now, it was given that regular exercise can help considerably in the treatment of depression but the effects of the reverse (stopping exercise suddenly) have not been fully explored. With this recent study, more research will be carried out in this area.

Meanwhile, it is safe to say that exercise has untold benefits and what we know now may just be scratching the surface. Exercise is not just about your fitness or keeping your muscles limber, it can impact greatly on your mental health.

It is understandable that due to some drastic changes in your life and routine, you may stop exercising. But whatever happens, try not to stop. You may cut down on how frequently you do it but don’t stop altogether.



One must have the habit of exercising daily as it helps to keep the body in a sound state. By exercising we burn unimaginable calories as well as allow us remove waste products in form of sweat.

well said sir