You told me I was too aggressive to be an anarchist yet you had me help you plant explosives to try and scare away someone you didn't like.
You called me a burden on the community, the day after I found out my friend Gino was just beat to death and I came seeking friends, yet you only got to where you are borrowing money from that same person to buy cocaine you had me sell because you are a scared b*tch.
You used my pain and my overprotective loyalty to make me hate and commit violence against others, now you will feel my rage.
I will bring you wrist wraps, gloves, and a cup when I come to see you at the fork. I'm going to enjoy fcking up your fraudulent btch @$$!
Best get a mouth guard to protect that grill because I am gonna try to punch that lieing mouth out the back of your head.
Mmmmm bacon 🥓
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I'll see you at the fork you f*cking fraud. Best bring that gun so I can take it and beat you with it... ;-)
You told me I was too aggressive to be an anarchist yet you had me help you plant explosives to try and scare away someone you didn't like.
You called me a burden on the community, the day after I found out my friend Gino was just beat to death and I came seeking friends, yet you only got to where you are borrowing money from that same person to buy cocaine you had me sell because you are a scared b*tch.
You used my pain and my overprotective loyalty to make me hate and commit violence against others, now you will feel my rage.
I will bring you wrist wraps, gloves, and a cup when I come to see you at the fork. I'm going to enjoy fcking up your fraudulent btch @$$!
Best get a mouth guard to protect that grill because I am gonna try to punch that lieing mouth out the back of your head.
If you are too much of a pu$$y to fight me I will train a chick to take my place and give you the beat down you need.
It will be fun!
I realize you are a bit taller than I am so most of these blows will catch you in the throat...
You pumped?!
I am hyped up and outta control!!!
I feel like a little kid the night before Christmas... Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait!
I'm giddy with anticipation.
How is your training coming along?
You ready?!