Can you finish this meatball up to 5 Kg ??

in #food9 years ago

5 kilograms meatball is ready to serve
"klenger" meatball, that's the name and the owner is mr. taufik

If you can't eat the biggest one there are other smaller size

here size and price you can choose

100 gram (0.224 pound) for IDR 12,000 (US$ 0.8) you can eat by yourself its a regular one

250 gram (0.55 pound) for IDR 22,000 (US$ 1.68) if the first didn't make you satisfied you can try this one

500 gram (1.1 pound) for IDR 45,000 (US$ 3.43) you can try this with your friend up to 3 people

1 kilogram (2.2 pound) for IDR 75,000 (US$ 5.71) 5 people would be enough to finish this one

2 kilogram (4.4 pound) for IDR 150,000 (US$ 11.43) triple dating would be fun to finish it together LoL

3 kilogram (6.6 pound) for IDR 300,000 (US$ 22.86) ater break up with your GF/BF finish it and.... DONE

4 kilogram (8.8 pound) for IDR 450,000 (US$ 34.29) compete with your rival to finish it, the losser pay the bill

5 kilogram (11.02 pound) or IDR 600,000 (US$ 45.71) if your soccer team win the trophy, celebrate with this one

for me i choose the regular one because i have small tummy :D

here the video from youtube about mr.taufik meatball cafe