Hi Suborna
It is very important that you do not plagarize information. This can be avoided by citing the source.
Source: Simply Recipe
The way that you cite something is by putting square brackets around the text and round brackets around the site being referenced. For example to put in the link that I have above I did the following.
[Source: Simply Recipe] (http://www.simplyrecipes.com/meal_plan_for_november_week_4/)
Plagiarism is frowned upon in the STEEM community and rightly is frowned upon in academic circles and should be in real life. Imagine that you created something that was unique and important but someone else took credit for this creation. How would it make you feel?
Also consider the content that you are giving. Instead of talking about a sweet potato soup, most people would be interested in a more traditional Bangladeshi recipe (perhaps Alu Kopir Dalna)
Also people are interested in relating to the author. Perhaps you can take a quick picture of you eating the food...
Thank you for good information please vote my other article please