Hi Dan, yeah almost better now thanks :)
Can I ask a veggie question?
Those runner beans I'm growing at mums house, a lot of flowers it are dying and completely dropping off leaving stalk/stumps. I'm not sure if they've been pollinated then dying back of if something is wrong. Mum noticed it first and despite her dementia she did grow beans for many years and so I'm a bit conflicted at the moment. They've had two liquid feeds in the past 2 months.
Good to hear your on the mend Rob.
With out seeing a picture of it, it's hard to say but the weather we are experiencing will be a big factor its so hot/dry a lot of my own plants aren't happy and either not setting fruit or going to seed. Things like pea's and beans don't usually like this sort of heat and will flower but not set pods so i don't think its anything to worry to much but more a downside of this tropical weather we are experiencing. My cucumbers are doing the same its its definitely frustrating
Thanks Dan, I'm happy it's not probably me that's the cause :)
The Potatoes (from last years seed pod harvest), one vine has produced flowers already but they've also died off with no hint of seed pods :(