Countryside Snacks - Steam Cake 蒸汽糕

in #food8 years ago

The temperature is so high these days that the heat is out of breath.Many of the people in the city are to the countryside to the summer, our family also came to the village for a few days .There are no dense buildings in the countryside, no cars full of streets. The temperature is lower than that in the city, and it is comfortable to live in, Enthusiastic grandma prepared for local snacks to our--steam cake,Every year on the Lunar New Year's 15 July, every family here will do this snack, which has been in the local for a long time!Steam cake to do more trouble, every process is hand-made, but the taste is very good.As a gourmet fan, I want to learn this traditional handicraft and can go back home and eat it regularly for children!
The main ingredients used are rice, so It can be eaten as a staple food!
这几天气温太高,热的人都喘不过气来。城市里的很多人都到乡村去避暑,我们一家也来到乡村的阿婆家小住几天, 乡村没有密集的高楼,没有满大街的汽车,气温比城市要低一些,住着很舒服, 热情的阿婆为我们准备了当地特色的小吃--蒸汽糕,每年的的农历七月15号,这里的每家每户都会做这种小吃,这在当地已经延续了很长时间!蒸汽糕做起来比较麻烦,每道工序都是纯手工制作,但是味道非常的好。我做为美食爱好者,很想学会这传统手工活,可以回家经常做给孩子们吃!主要用到的食材是大米,所以吃多了也不会腻,可以当做主食吃! 一起来看看我拍的照片,希望你会喜欢!

Let's take a look at the pictures I took. I hope you'll like them!

首先把新鲜的大米洗净,并浸泡一个晚上,用石磨成米糊, First, clean the fresh rice, And soak one night

把米糊放入大锅里蒸就可以了! 最后撒上菜和葱 , Finally add the vegetables and onions, and then put them in a large pot steam for 15 minutes!

it's very delicious!If you have the chance to come to China, you must try it!


Wow! This steam cake looks very delicious and I want to eat it.

upvote to my posts i also upvoted u

looks very delicious

this looks like a fun and yummy meal. So you smash the rice into this form and just at things you like?

really good post upvoted

I dont think china food are attractive to me...really dont like their food..but enjoy if you know you like it.

Your post is very good. Keep adding the same posts even further. and keep voting @ahlawat

WOW... I need it :)

Interesting post!

awesome its look so delicious @elfkitchen ur recpies alway best


Nice ! Will definitely try when when I visit China !!

I would love to come to China someday. I have heard great things about the folks there. Indeed it does look good. I appreciate the English translation you wrote. Again thanks you for your post my fiend. - Troy

Wow such a nice post, wished i had the chance would had definitely come to china

Hey, it looks really nice. What's your favourite meal in Chinese quisine? I want to cook something original during trip so you can tell what is the best. :D



i'm always fascinated by food from other countries, this was an informative post...i love this post

Looks so delicious

Delish! Mouthwatering! Umm.

Wow It looks yummy

looks tasty!!!

Interesting dish, I'd love to try that.

Wow! This steam cake looks very delicious