Today, I do food is Multi-Layer Pie, the practice is very simple, need to use the ingredients
Pork or beef, onion ginger, salt, sesame oil, eggs, soy sauce
Do the dough, Mix all the ingredients and mix well
Dough into small pieces
Roll into the bread, the meat evenly wiping the surface
Roll up the order and roll the wrapped cake
with flat bottom nest, small fire pancake, to both sides of the golden
The Delicious Multi-Layer Pie you cna eat :)
Hope you like!
这是为小孩做的晚餐千层肉饼,做法很简单,需要用到的食材 : 猪肉或者牛肉、葱姜、盐、香油、鸡蛋、酱油
- 做面团,和以前的方法一样
- 混合所有的食材,搅拌均匀
- 面团切成小块
- 擀成面饼,把肉馅均匀的抹在面上
- 按照顺序卷起来,将包好的饼擀开
- 用平底窝小火煎饼, 至两面金黄, 出锅切开
Yummy! Looks amazing!
Very beautifull and delicious recipe