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RE: Roadside BOILED PEANUTS Down In Virginia, And Why They Are AMAZING

in #food7 years ago

I'm not sure you'd ever want to eat the pod on a peanut honestly...ever. But some people are using the hulls as a mushroom growing substrate!! Most boiled peanuts are harvested earlier than roasting peanuts but both still have a pretty long growing season. This is where you get the 'green' peanut. It's harvested earlier and the hull of the bean has not yet fully darkened....but it's the hull not the shell. The shell to my knowledge is always hard and yuck to try to chew, more like a nut than a bean in that aspect....hence their name.


So, interesting twist - I've also eaten peanuts in yet another bizarre form - and it connects perfectly back to our other comment thread: deep fried peanuts! They sold them on Woot years ago, I bought them, and I ate them, shell and all. And , although super super greasy, the shells were like crunchy chips and fairly delicious and digestible.

Oh wow! That sounds great!