Ok. I respect your opinion, but scripturally, we differ. I am a New Testament Christian. Jesus fulfilled the law and said that it's okay to eat. Acts 10:9-15
In verse 35 of Acts 10 Peter summarizes the lesson of his vision that he received in Joppa on the rooftop of the house of Simeon the Tanner: “But in EVERY NATION he that fears him [Yahuah], and works righteousness, is accepted with him.” Clearly the vision seen by Peter was to show him in a very graphic and profound way that Gentiles—who were once considered unclean—were now permitted into Yahuah’s covenant. Nowhere in this passage are Yahuah’s clean food Laws discussed or repealed. Peter himself denies that he should ever eat anything that conflicts with the clean food instruction. https://yrm.org/clean-foods-bible-teaches/
Ok. I respect your opinion, but scripturally, we differ. I am a New Testament Christian. Jesus fulfilled the law and said that it's okay to eat. Acts 10:9-15
Swine is tasty!
In verse 35 of Acts 10 Peter summarizes the lesson of his vision that he received in Joppa on the rooftop of the house of Simeon the Tanner: “But in EVERY NATION he that fears him [Yahuah], and works righteousness, is accepted with him.” Clearly the vision seen by Peter was to show him in a very graphic and profound way that Gentiles—who were once considered unclean—were now permitted into Yahuah’s covenant. Nowhere in this passage are Yahuah’s clean food Laws discussed or repealed. Peter himself denies that he should ever eat anything that conflicts with the clean food instruction.