in #food7 years ago (edited)


Hi steemians🙋,
I'm Eman (it means faith in English, in case you wanna know!), young Egyptian girl & today i have a new quality recipe ratatouille for you all. This recipe i translated it to 3 languages ( English, French & Spanish), hope you like it and try it as well.

Ingredients :

500g of eggplant
500g of zucchini
500g of tomatoes
200g of peppers
2 onions
3 cloves of garlic
5 tablespoons olive oil
1 cup coffee water
Salt, pepper, thyme, bay leaf, oregano

Method :

  1. Slice eggplants, zucchini, peppers. Chop the onion and garlic. Cut the tomatoes into quarters and remove the seeds.
  2. In the casserole dish, sauté with oil, onions, without coloring. Stir in eggplant, zucchini, peppers, tomatoes, garlic, thyme, bay leaf and oregano.
  3. Season. Pour water. Close the casserole.
  4. As soon as the steam escapes, lower the heat and cook as directed.
  5. Open the casserole dish and serve.

Ingrédients :

500g d'aubergines
500g de courgettes
500g de tomates
200g de poivrons
2 oignons
3 gousses d'ail
5 cuillerées à soupe d'huil d'olive
1 tasse à café d'eau
Sel, poivre, thym, laurier, origan

Méthode :

  1. Emincer les aubergines, les courgettes, les poivrons. Hacher l'oignon et l'ail. Couper en quartiers les tomates et retirer les pépins.
  2. Dans la cocotte, faire revenir avec l'huil, les oignons, sans coloration. Ajouter successivement en remuant les aubergines, les courgettes, les poivrons, les tomates, l'ail, thym, laurier, origan.
  3. Assaisonner. Verser l'eau. Fermer la cocotte.
  4. Dès que la vapeur s'échappe, baisser le feu et laisser cuire selon le temps indiqué.
  5. Ouvrir la cocotte et servir.


500g de berenjena
500g de calabacines
500 g de tomate
200 g de pimientos
2 cebollas
3 dientes de ajo
5 cucharadas de aceite de oliva
1 taza de agua
Sal, pimienta, tomillo, hoja de laurel, orégano


  1. Rebanada de berenjenas, calabacines, pimientos. Picar la cebolla y el ajo. Cortar los tomates en cuartos y quitar las semillas.
  2. En la cazuela, saltear con aceite, cebollas, sin colorante. Incorpore las berenjenas, los calabacines, los pimientos, los tomates, el ajo, el tomillo, el laurel y el orégano.
  3. Temporada. Vierta en el agua. Cierre la cazuela.
  4. Tan pronto como el vapor escapa, baje el fuego y cocine como se indica.
  5. Abrir la cazuela y servir.

Please if you liked this recipe upvote it and follow me for more.

giphy (1).gif

And finally i want to thank my 41 followers for supporting me and trusting my contents ❤️️.
Gifs source :


Hi, I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community! Nice post, Wish you much luck! (remember to follow me 😜 )

Hey thanks for this recipe, I'm not such a good luck so I don't think i'd be able to pull it off.....Maybe i'd try it out and then you'd have a taste of it.

Would be super happy if you follow me @kingbach I follow back. We can grow together. Thank you

It's okay i appreciate your honesty!
I'm following you to support each other and i hope you to have a great luck by now on =)

Welcome to the Steemit family. I'll be looking forward to your posts

Lets Support Each Other
Follow Me @manofmiracles I'll be sure to do the same

Hi Eman, ahlan wa sahlan here on steemit. Wish you good luck. And please be careful with the tags you use - "introduceyourself" should really be only for the first introduction :)