
If I had to guess I'd say he's being nice/spreading the wealth/rewarding people. Pretty cool isn't it?!
Happy to hear you thought those dishes look tasty, thanks!

Okay so I take it you have no idea why :D Haha! Thought you guys maybe had some secret plan going on here :D

They sure did look tasty :P Still making me hungry haha. Your blog is dangerous for my desire to eat :D

Thank you, I can't wait to be back home to make more food entries!

Hey yeah that will be awesome hey! Well keep me update ;) I enjoy supporting people who put out good content :)

PS. If you ever need some support, you are always welcome to come and give me a reminder on my blog :) I don't find it spammy, and it's a great way to keep interacting with each other!

Talk soon.

Awesome! I usually don't promote my posts, but if I feel like it I shall let you know! Thanks!

I upvote her comments and nearly everyone else's based on approach/content/context. But I also tend to focus on her posts because she puts a ton of effort, time, and skill into them (as you can see) and feel as though content like this actually needs rewarded. I also reward the fact that she doesn't split one long post into 5 different consecutive posts in order to milk the rewards pool (I see that as an unethical/greedy thing to do). She contributes genuine content and engages her followers; healthy use that inspires and promotes organic growth of the platform. I pass out upvotes to users that are being humble/trying to build community and wealth the right way.

She's also my wife :-).

"she doesn't split one long post into 5 different consecutive posts in order to milk the rewards pool" Hahaha are you by any chance pointing a finger at me when saying that? ^_^ Because I split my posts up into different parts :D Not for any particular personal gain, but that to accomodate for my readers :) Many have complained in the past that too much information is over-whelming, and they actually reccomended I split them up into different parts. I also see it as a nice way to build rapport, as it keeps them wanting to come back hehe :)

Bro I was like reading... Reading... Thinking... Then at the end you were like 'She's also my wife :-).' and I was just thinking to myself, 'Yup, that's it' :D

Haha, but you sound like you have a good thing going. You looking for the right things in content! Awesome stuff. Talk again sometime.

"Hahaha are you by any chance pointing a finger at me when saying that? ^_^"

Yes! Well, it was meant to be more indirect in order to ensure tact remains in place, more like a suggestion, a hint; food for thought. But I guess that it served its purpose and you acknowledged it. Buuut, come on now, man! You mean to tell me that you think that it makes it easier for you and your users if you submit a post that's split up into five posts that're covering the same topic/list?

You're doing it for a higher payout, you know it, I know it, we all know it. I mean, I get it. I'm just saying that it isn't ethical if you understand how this system was designed to work. You could consolidate your post into one post, making it easier for the user to read (it IS easier, you can't argue that clicking back and forth to read the next piece is easier than simply scrolling down) but in turn, you separate it in order to get more of the rewards pool (what pays you, it isn't infinite, btw) yet say you do it for your readers? I know it's tempting to do that, because yeah, getting more money is good/cool/fun/great/grand/etc. but your approach may need to be reflected upon.

I'm not being mean or anything, promise. I'm just trying to give good advice/point out something that I think that you could improve upon. You seem to be someone who enjoys blogging, and could surely pull in a userbase that would support you, but you're coming off a bit rushed by doing what you're doing. Just my observation.

I understand that rapport build angle for sure, but I think that people would see you as more "followable," if you drop nice, hardcore, thorough entries instead of scattering pinches of info with long tail-outs over days. But who knows, I could be wrong. I'm just commenting to criticize to hopefully help give you something to think about. I want to see this place grow. Your success is my success. My success is your success. Our success is everyone's success.

Kill it!

Also, the wife thing, that isn't the only reason. She's good! I married her for a reason haha, she has brains, too much of 'em!

Alright, first of all, I just want to say thanks for taking the time out to give me your point of view. I appreciate that. I don't think there is anything more that I value than someone else giving me constructive criticism.

I will kindly just give my honest thoughts :)

My last 'series' was the only one that ever got up to 5 parts. I usually only ever go two or three. I have actually taken quite a bit of time behind the scenes, contacting my regulars', and asking them what they prefer. Many of them told me that they don't want to read long posts. I understand exactly what you mean about it being easier for us to simply scroll down, versus going through the parts, but I'm doing it more in consideration for my regular readers. Who read when I make the post, and then do it consistently.

Also just thinking of the average person's concentration span.. Yeah, of course a long post is nice, and if you go to my earlier posts, you will see I was making some articles like you are suggesting. They were very long. However, I also noticed in my comments section, the feedback was very scattered opinions. I could tell they definitely didn't read the info, LOL! I can also safely say that I have seen a great improvement in the feedback I get from my viewers. Their responses are much more intact, and far more accurate than usual. Again, just my opinion and experiences :)

Oh and PS.. I know those footers have gotten quite long hehe. It started with a simple ending message, and kin of just snowballs :D I will look what I can do to minimize those a little. I do feel, however, that they blend pretty evenly-in with the rest of the post.. Just my thoughts :) Let me know what you think.

Look, I don't want to be that guy that simply denies the obvious. I do understand how the rewards pool works, and I know exactly what you're talking about. There's no denying it. Would I like to earn more dollars? Of course haha! But in all honesty, I am looking to build a solid foundation right now.

It's also completely understandable for you to have pointed that on me, because I understand you are looking at the overall picture. Team work to make the dream work. I got you ;) Just know I come with only good intentions.

I trust we will have a good future here :) I look forward to interacting with you, and all the other awesome people here.

PS. The wife thing, I mean, there was a reason you married her in the first place ;) It's understandable :D