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RE: BellaStella LiveLessons #9: The Steemit Culinary Challenge "Cheeseless burger"

in #food8 years ago (edited)

@bellastella well, an owl that is true to her words is an owl of honor.

I'm amazed that you did not just make your burger you made your own bun using that pan technique, too. Since the original version is a cheese less burger it's acknowledged!

We understand that the children would love them with cheese and as a burger tower and appreciate that you wanted to show us that, too. I hope your boyfriend gets along well with your kids :)

Good luck!

EDIT: This is the last entry I acknowledge tonight - off to bed now, dead tired to post tonight. If another entry pops up after this please know submission of entries is still on. Would acknowledge it/ them in the morrow though.


Thx so much. It was much fun to cook for the whole family.
As for the "tower", I understood it had to be practical. Even the two children in the household were able to eat the "tower", so this version is really "childsplay". (And I only put the cheese version in it to show the numerous possibilities.)

The children LOVE my boyfriend almost as much as I do, but HE still needs to get used to live with humans. I guess for the moment he can do it because of his love to me. I hope he will get inured to the situation soon.

Much love

thanks for the giggles :)
nyt nyt!@bellastella hahahaha okay we humans must be tough for him - am off to bed