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RE: (One of) The Most Delicious Foods with One of the Most Off-Putting Names: SPICY PIG's FEET ​ ​제가 ​가장 ​즐기는 한식​​: 매운족발​!​

in #food8 years ago


Honestly, I don't understand the craze with Korean BBQ or Bibimbap when you could be chomping on porcine toes... :)

I don't either but I love them and it must be something in the sauce that makes you "can't stop eating for more". As for bibimbap - you don't really have to put all that spicy sauce on top of the egg, do you?
I don't really used much of that but I freaking love the vegetables and meat (those I could eat) they put in it - most of all the side dishes! Where are the side dishes hahaha


=D. First off, no you don't have to put the spicy sauce on, it's personal preference. A lot of people just put a bit of sesame oil (참기름/cham-gi-rum) and it's super savory.

Second, that's an EXCELLENT idea for a future post. All the side dishes together are called 밑반찬/meet-ban-chan and the culture/variety behind them are definitely a mystery to most. I'll do a post on them in the near future!

post about it and used sesame oil but just for the post - prefer it less oily really.@hansikhouse I actually don't put sesame oil on my Bibimbap ny hubby hated the smell - I did - make one