Have you ever considered where your cheese comes from? Well it was stolen from an exploited pregnant mother cow along with her children whom the milk was intended for.
Milk contains mucus, blood, hormones and other substances which is related to the development of different types of cancer like stomach, breast, ovarian, prostate, lung, and testicular cancer.
So I would highly recommend you consider trying vegan cheeses instead as they are more ethical and healthy. Furthermore I would suggest you research before promoting any foods as they can could serious health problems.
I don't mean to be rude or judgemental as I used to be just like you only a year ago, but when I saw the facts and the reality of where the animal products I was consuming came from I had to change, and hopefully you can too :)
I know all tje facts, but unfortunatly now I can't vegan. I'm tryind, but it's to hard 😣
I really respect that you are trying, and that you are open minded and I am I great full to have come across a nice person like you that is trying. Once you try you can always achieve anything, but the moment you give it you can happen.
I know cheese can be very addictive but if you cut down slowly you can easily overcome it just like any other addiction, good luck ;)
Thank you. One day I want to become a fruiterian 😇
Haha awesome, me too I love fruits they are so pure and delicious. You seem very intelligent and ope-minded so keep pushing and soon you will achieve greatness, keep up the good work <3 :)