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RE: I Have Not Eaten For The Past Six Days...

in #food7 years ago

It took me a while to get here but I am glad I did, I like you even more now. I fast all the time but the thing I moved to after the fast was basically the Adkins. Just kept not eating carbs and kept not being hungry.

There are often times I get busy where I will fast a day or two and not intend to do it either. There just really isn't any hunger. The reason is your body is accustomed to eating carbohydrates for energy but lives and thrives off of proteins and fats. So when you cut out carbs and have a little extra meat on your bones the body lives off of your fat stores.

The human body also spends 70% or more of it's daily energy digesting food if people eat 3 or meals per day. Basically killing themselves from the inside out regardless of how healthy they are eating the act of eating is what is bad.

At the next start of your fast try adding "Snake Juice" to your first day or two. It keeps you from cramping up at all. Just Youtube Snake Juice and look for the guy with a black shirt with a fork through a snakes head.

Don't forget your next writing entry and don't fucking kill me, not cool.


I have JUST NOW discovered this reply! (Took me a while to get back here.) Thank you for your insight. I am learning as I go - I am sure that my next fast will be even better experience.

:D I did not kill you, but I did not do much else either, so I hope my closure was at least a bit satisfying...