One of my favorite things to do is cook! I don't remember a time that I didn't want to be in the kitchen making something amazing for my family. Even as a young girl I enjoyed cooking meals for everyone and anyone. Its amazing how you take a bunch of nothing and turn it into something.
I had hoped and prayed that my children would love cooking as much as I do. Today that prayer was fulfilled!!
I had talked to @jeejee last night and said that we should make biscuits and gravy for breakfast. She said that sounded great! So this morning we came up with a plan. I would make biscuits and she would make the gravy. They are staying with us while their place gets worked on. And I'm absolutely loving it!!!
As I was making the biscuits my son came over and said he wanted to help. It always melts my heart to see him do something that I love so dearly.
I had not thought about taking pictures, but grateful @jeejee had!
Rolling out the dough.
Cutting them out with a mason jar. I have found this to be the best method for us.
He's getting pretty good at it.
Getting help from mom ❤️
Unfortunately I didn't think about taking pictures of the final biscuit. But they were pretty tasty 😊
What are your favorite biscuit recipes?
Until next time....
Guess we will have to make more to show off those beautiful biscuits!!