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RE: Copycat recipes: Cadbury's Tempo.

in #food7 years ago

Take a bow for one of the most amazing recipe posts I've ever seen. Your dedication to getting it right for your other half was so beautiful- that's true love right there!! I had to laugh when your natural inner chef had to step in to use salted butter though... some things are non negotiable 😁 so glad to read in one of your other comments that he enjoyed them!

A though about punching those mini shorties... I'm sure when I used to do leather work as a kid, there was a metal tool used for punching multiple holes. It was a handle with a metal wheel at the end with multiple sharpened punches and you'd roll it along the leather while pressing to punch the holes. Might work for dough too! E


P.s. check it out... just been googling for you... it might be an icing cutter you need to search for to get something small enough... there's a multi punch here that might just be small enough...

Thanks so much @eveningart, I'll definitely have a look at something like that! (oh the things I could make with a million cookie buttons!

Ooh the possibilities ;)