Hello everybody!
Refilling glycogen usually means eating a lot of carbs in a day to fill the glycogen stores, which we emptied during a diet with low-carb diets.
Refilling glycogen is a procedure that is used in the sport and obviously can improve sport performance.
After a period of low carb is the period of high input and Super Compensation. Super Compensation means that the person during the low intake actually increases its "warehouse" and when you do charge you can store more glycogen than person who daily eat carbs.

Emptying glycogen is achieved in two ways. Athlete has exhausted in training and in the recovery of deliberately reducing carbohydrate intake.
Depots of muscle glycogen will be in two days reduce because it will not work to restore them in the recovery period.
Often we can see the on social networks how some athletes praise with eaten large Nutella, jumbo pizza and the like.
Of course you can refill gycogen on that was too, but thus reduces the efficiency of charging, increase the ability to store fat and impairs the ability in the coming week when the carbs are low again.
What to eat for refill?
Well, this i good question. I already said, you can eat junk food and on that way refill your gylcogen... But that's a bad choice.
Ideal food for glycogen refilling is natural carbs sources like: rice, oats, potato, sweet potato, pasta...
You will surely feel better if you eat like that, but not whole big can of nutella.
I know its tasty, but you just don want to eat that much sugar after long period with low dose of carbs intake.
You can simply start your day with some bigger porcion of oatmeal, then you can eat for lunch your favourite meat with big porcion of rice or potato, and for dinner eat sweet potato... It's up to you.
Once again, try to avoid sugars, white dough, sweetened drinks and so on.

Well done Super Compensation glycogen produces more fuel material, thereby improving sports results.
Also, each gram of glycogen brings about 3 grams of water as summarized leads to an increase in body weight athletes.
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