Spirulina powder taste is special (salty as sea water a little). That's why I put a small dose in my smoothies (1/2 teaspoon). And I add: broccoli, kale and seasonals fruits (apple, pear or bananas). If you don't like the taste of powder, don't worrie, the tablets is the same thing (same benefits of course).
Sorry for my bad english. I try to improve step by step...^^Since I use Spirulina, I am much less ill (cold ...). I consume power or tablets before sport/danse class, for its protein intake. I train better and recover faster (less muscular pain). If you need more information, don't hesitate @xana0815. 😊
Haha, I know lots of people who speak English as their first languafe that are way worse then this.. 😁
Thanks Google Translate...🙈🙉🙈
Haha including me!