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RE: Super Bowl Party Food Recipe!

in #food7 years ago

I didn't see your post until now. I thought I had been checking often enough.

And I am old anyway. Not much of a threat. Ugh on the age.
But, I feel fine. No pains or aches of any kind.
Your taco pizza looks to be very good,
I get taco a lot at the Mexican restaurants.
Thank you You are a lovely lady. I will stay away though. @bluelightbandit has some mean firepower to keep the suitors away. Ha ha



Hey buddy! Thank you for checking in on me and also the lovely compliment!
You can compliment me all day long, I will take care of hubby HAHA!
Age is overrated Francisk, and it sounds like you have proven that for me.
I have some aches and pains but nothing nowhere near what hubby goes through, so I try not to complain.
I love Mexican food also and eat it more than I should to be honest.
Thank you again for the visit!