hello steemit friends this morning one of my friend invited breakfast at the vine, so I ordered the “croque madame” breakfast , a quite heavy breasfast with bread, ham, backbean and egg, it was quite nice but quite expensive as well, rm15 for the breakfast and rm8 for the drink
thanks for reading
大家好,今天早上有朋友约去the vine吃早餐,于是叫了套”croque madame”的早餐,有面包,牛肉,红豆和蛋,味道是不错但是贵了点,食物大概rm15水大概rm8
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wow..so amazing.food photography..thanks for sharing.
I love the look of the food,i am african and i would love to taste this food one day. You should taste our food too,you will also like african food
@fundurian 喜欢红豆的我,看到就大流口水 XD