Enjoy a delicious homemade yogurt (+ recipe)

in #food7 years ago

Prepare a delicious homemade yogurt for a snack. Take care of the figure with balanced nutrition, it is the ideal combination with fruit or granola.


1 liter of whole milk
2 tbsp of natural yogurt


Put the milk in a pot and heat it until it reaches 85-90 ° C. Keep that temperature for 5 minutes preventing it from boiling.

Allow to cool until it reaches 40-45 ° C. It is important to do all this process to avoid living bacteria that can spoil the yogurt.

When the milk is warm, put it in a glass or clay container. Add two tablespoons of plain yogurt and stir well to dissolve.

Cover the container with a lid or with a clean cloth and let stand for 6 or 7 hours keeping the same temperature and preventing it from cooling.

After this time, the milk must have coagulated homogeneously. Otherwise, if the milk is poorly coagulated and its taste is slightly acidic, it is necessary to rest a little more. It covers again well and lets rest a couple of hours.

When the yogurt is ready, it gives off a mild milk flavor typical of yogurt. It's time to take it to the refrigerator.

Once in the refrigerator, the yogurt has a shelf life of approximately one week.


Wow I never thought of mixing yoghurt with milk - I will definetely try this! :)