You just came home from work and you're hungry. You open the fridge and all the cabinets to figure out what you can eat.
Let's see... Bread ! Wait! No way! You feel already the millions of carbohydrates running down your throat , making your waist look like a 100 years old tree.
Eggs? Hmmm, maybe. But wait! Who was the hen ? Where, when and especially how did she live? What did she eat ? Never mind... Eating an egg you might also eat toxins, stress and who knows what else!
Potatoes? Are you nuts? Nowadays, nobody eats them anymore, especially fries! Rumors says you might get sick of cancer only by smelling them!
Bacon ? What? There's no you can eat that plastic made of lime from the walls mixed with acetone and flour and pink food coloring! Big NO to that.
Pork? You already feel the blood in your veins stuck because of cholesterol , and that might kill you wile you sleep without anyone to even know why did you die .
Salmon? That is pure Cancer! There's only about 2 species of wild salon left on this planet that are edible, but of course, no one knows where they're hiding!
Apple? Do you know that is waxed ? Injected with I have no idea what? Stay away, you don't want to eat that .
Salad ? Haven't you see the viral videos when they color it green ?
You don't even dare to think of trying anything else anymore. After cleaning ant throwing all the foods that are so dangerous for your health, there's a tiny lonely yogurt left, you're taking it and open it quick before researching the internet to check how dangerous yogurts are too.
Stay healthy, choose your dies wisely !
[source of picture] (flickr)
Something has to be edible...
True! One glass of water ,and then go to sleep :)