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RE: Today's Sustainable Feast in the Garden of Eden

in #food7 years ago (edited)

In truth, lack is a mindset.
We live in an abundant universe that supplies more than enough of everything.
But because humans are programmed to see the world through a "lack" filter, modern humans seem to think that there is never enough. They compete with one another over "scarce" resources and sever the bonds that join us as human family. They search and search and search and run from one thing to another to try to fill these base, animal drives because they are scared of not having enough food, shelter, water, love, whatever - because all they can perceive in the current paradigm is lack.
It's a state of mind - tune into abundance, and receive the infinite blessings of the universe.
It's that simple...and it's that hard.
Blessings, @ugetfunded~