We're giving thanks for another glorious day in the Garden of Eden and another glorious feast!
There's more than enough of everything, and it is our duty & pleasure to share it.If you or anyone you know wants or needs food, contact us - we will give you free food, no questions asked. We make this offer every single day; we are here to help one and all.
For the full time volunteers that live here, we prepared a delicious, nutritious feast in our sustainable outdoor kitchen today! We fired up the grill to make some lovely rainbow trout topped with a fresh and creamy homemade mayonnaise and served it along with fried potatoes and broccoli!
Our dreamy, smooth homemade mayo is a bright yellow color because we use the yolk of a farm fresh egg to make it. This may is so rich and delicious that it is worthy of a post in itself, so we will share the easy formula soon!
To make the rainbow trout, we gathered brush and wood from the yard to build a fire for the grill. We use discarded fence panels to build fires in our handmade, earthen rocket stoves, but the grill needs a different kind of wood to burn appropriately for that style of cooking. Rather than simply adjusting a knob on an electric or gas stove or switching to a different modern appliance, we learn how to build, tend, and master fire to cook properly in our sustainable outdoor kitchen! It's extremely fun, smells great, and adds a flavor to food that can't be beat.
The rainbow trout was perfectly flakey, tender, and moist with a nice crispy skin!
We served delicious fried russet and sweet potatoes on the side. They were perfectly crispy and delicious sprinkled with pink Himalayan salt! Our homemade mayo makes a lovely condiment for fried potatoes as well.
For extra color and extra fiber, vitamins A/E/and the Bs, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, copper, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, protein, zinc, calcium, iron, and selenium, we sautéed fresh broccoli with onions.
It was a delicious, free, honorable, and sustainable meal with more than enough for everyone!
Food is important, and we hope to inspire people to really take time to eat, enjoy it, and share it with someone you love. We also hope to inspire more and more sustainable practices in regards to food!
Food is an honored & elemental part of our daily life in community. You can learn more about our unique, intimate, and super sustainable relationship with food here, and we'll continue to share our daily mouthgasms!
I have to say that I didn't notice the mission of the Garden of Eden thoroughly until today. I think what you're doing is amazing and hope that it inspires lots of people to do the same for their communities. Kudos for using the proceeds to further your mission. While many people simply want income or profit, I hope Steem skyrockets in price particularly for you to give you more purchasing power for your good work.
We focus on our mission with everything that we do - if it's not in support of the greater good, we simply don't do it! Steemit has been a great opportunity to share our reality with others. We are being the change we want to see in this world, and we hope to inspire one and all to do what they can to make life better every day! Grateful for your well wishes. Steem On!!Thank you for your support, @steemmatt!
OMG!! My mouth is literally watering. I was hungry before, but now I'm licking my computer screen. Guess I'll go eat some of the beans I cooked today. They're not gonna be quite as good. :-(
Hahahaha---thanks for the humor @rip-youtube. I hope you got a flavor upgrade!
"Flavor Upgrade!" lol
wow amazing ... I really like the potatoes
Some of us here count potatoes as one of our favorite foods!
may potato be the winner haha
That looks delicious and I don't even like fish! @ironshield
Thanks, it was really beautiful and super tasty!
wow, look like delicious in the picture.
And likely more delicious in taste for sure...
thanks for sharing @gardenofeden
It was indeed a great meal! Thanks for reading & commenting, @jhayz37!
I also follow you for the more delicious meal.
I really love cooking but need more practice...
So glad that when I see these I get to eat them whenever I want rather than sit here at a computer with nothing but frozen dinners in the freezer......
We are so far removed from a frozen dinners reality - almost forgot those things exist! What a blessing to have as much fresh, wholesome food as we want every single day WITH more than enough for sharing!!
hahahahahahah YES!
Bless it be~*~
time for lunch :)

Feast on, Godzilla!!!
Food at the @gardenofeden is always something to look forward to. People have specifically moved here because they tried our food and decided they wanted to experience it everyday! How blessed we are to have such fine palates and are able to provide ourselves with something that truly enhances our experience.
AND we have enough to share!!! It's amazing every single day!
I have just eat, but your photo made me want to eat more.. :)
We make some powerful food :)
GardenEden ~ Gratitude for sharing your abundance of what you create and connect with! That feeding looks totally epic from here up in NY! That is some nice fish you have down in TX and what sides too! Glad you shared your master fire approach to cooking too! It surely takes much work and planning to keep some heat sources for cooking diverse foods! Gratitude for all your love for the empowerment you share, yet most of all for posting it here! Glad to see you are gaining STEEM! Happy to follow y'all too!
Bless it be!
Wow what a coincidence !! I will be doing a fresh caught trout post later today that we had for dinner with some cod as well ! Yours looks awesome and with homemade mayo too, Perfect ! Thanks for sharing your feast with us , check out my blog later for my fish post haha , will do it after I wake up ! Good night !Upped and resteemed💕👍🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟