I have often wished that I could languish-lounge like some of the mammalia kingdom. They can achieve maximum comfort in a way that I only dream of:)
Thank ye kindly for the cake compliments! I just freehand drew the dragon, I just sometimes wish that things turned out in real life what they look like in Kat-brain. Maybe someday....
You have made my day by adding your addendum of renown whatfore. There are so many dd things of renown to choose from. Oberserver of the discarded holiday shrubbery or Capturer of the randomly appearing athletic footwear are just a couple of gems of renown that I can think of to attach to your personage. There are still others but I am about leeched of all creative and positive thought at this juncture.
However, I did learn how to properly coiffure and set a steer's tail for show tonight, courtesy of one of my amazing beeflings. I truly didn't know there was an art to backcombing a steers tail hair, I just thought one needed to remove the manure and give it a brush, apparently pageant cow prep is a thing. Egads!
I love it when you wax poetic about the weather. Well, type poetic is probably more accurate, but I am always happy to happen upon your climatic thoughts.
Ooh. I am rambling more than a prophetic dissertation on a Sunday afternoon in Kentucky. Too sorry me matey. Bed is calling, going to flop on in.
Also, that is the puppy's very own shoe of chewing. So sorry it took me a bit to clarify that for you:)
Night hard anodized metal comestible cookery!!!