Dreaming of the tropical while eating thai green curry I made for myself this morning. I couldn't sleep last night because I was so excited about all the future plans I have. I was already at the grocery store by 7am when the doors opened and I had my breakfast/lunch/dinner ready by 8.30. I couldn't make the curry paste from scratch because I couldn't find all the ingredients for it, so I used a ready made paste and tweaked that quite a bit. Turned out pretty good, but I'm sure it's nothing compared to an authentic one. And with that in mind, if all goes well, I'll be getting the taste of the real deal in just a few months.
Along with having coconut cream in my curry, I bought a coconut plant! Look at this cutie! Never seen one in a flower shop before, and when I did some research I found out that these are extremely hard to keep alive for more than a year. Try and simulate warm, sunny and humid conditions into a dark, drafty and cold apartment, wish me luck.