Personally, I can't wait for the football games. There's never enough college football to my liking. Pros are okay, but they seem to be a lot more defensive minded. It's been a while since I've been to a high school or middle school game. Those can be exciting too, especially if you have a kid on the team that gets to play. Otherwise, it's more frustrating. :)
Well, hopefully, there will be many opportunities for chili. I'll be trying it again down the line I'm sure, and starting it earlier. :) There's probably plenty of crockpot recipes I could try, right? Maybe I should just start doing those.
I'm sure chili would cook just fine in the crockpot and there are probably thousands of recipes. I always cook mine on top of the stove and reheat it the next day. I like it better on day two when the flavors have had a chance to blend together better. I'm looking forward to real football. Go Pack Go! I just don't have time for more sports, so I have never even begun watching college football. I would probably love it way too much!