They look absolutely stunning! 28 of the littles one though, I don't know. I'm not good at pushing the STOP button once I get started on anything sweet! :) Keep up the great work! Is this your photo and recipe?
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No, they are definetly not mine, but this is one of my favourite sweets :D
YOu might want to ask that person if you can use his/her photo then as I know it's not allowed. I don't want to be the one that warns you, but if I found my work here making someone else money then I'd be slightly pissed and I have heard of people being sued and having to pay $20k! That's why it might be an idea to inform yourself first.
I can use it as long as I mention the source, that's the rules of the community so I'll do that :)
I'm not sure if the owner of the work, will think that way. If someone took you to court for you making money of their work, I think it would be rather expensive. Well I don't think it, I know it from someone copying my food. I'd rather warn you now before you're making bank and you get a lawsuit from more than 1 person. :) Hope that helps
It's just a picture, not the info itself. A picture of a dish won't get you in prison I think, sounds absurd to me.
It's 100% illegal and as absurd as it may sound, if you can't pay the fine you might get, then yes, you can 100% end up in prison. Making these photos takes a lot of work and costs a lot of money, I know because I do it daily. Not only that, you're on this platform trying to make money of material that isn't yours. I know if I found anyone stealing my content I'd straight up go for everything that person has. I have compassion for animals but not for humans finding a fast way to earn money from other peoples work. Again and for the last time, I really don't want to sound nasty. If these are your recipes, then make the photos yourself and be original.