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RE: You and what you eat...

in #food7 years ago

Here in Canada children are taught the basics of the Canada Food Guide. It is recommended that vegetables and fruit should be the major food;
"Give vegetables and fruit the leading role. Make half (½) your plate vegetables and fruit.
Different vegetables and fruit offer different nutrients for health. Include a variety for good health.
Include dark green and orange vegetables. They are packed with nutrients.
Try simple recipes that call for leafy greens such as beet greens, broccoli, chard, collards, kale and spinach.
Enjoy orange vegetables such as squash (acorn, butternut), pumpkin, sweet potatoes or yams. Try them baked, boiled or pureed in soups.
Add colour and crunch to your meals by serving up raw vegetables. Serve vegetables like red, yellow or green peppers, carrot sticks, and cherry or grape tomatoes with your meal. Try them with dips made with herbs, spices and lower fat plain yogurt.
Eating whole vegetables and fruit is more nutritious than drinking juice. Choose them more often than juice."


I like the fact that kids are taught that. It will help them cultivate good eating habits early. Thank you for your wonderful contribution.