There is so much pollen that comes off pine trees! The key is finding branches low enough to the ground to get the little male cones off easily. There's no risk of running out of pine pollen, that's for sure! I'd sure like to hear from you how you like the pollen, once you harvest some next spring!
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Yeah I have some with pretty low branches, and living in Nova Scotia, Canada, the season is just beginning! xoxoxoxxo The pollen hath arrived <3
Lucky you! Spring is the best season!
Yeah, we're a little bit late bloomers here, but not as far behind as other brrrrrrrrrrr... places in Canada :)
I wonder when our seasons will overlap. Your fall will happen sooner, too. So all your plants are on turbo-speed. It means you really have to get after it, once the spring arrives. Happy foraging! And it will be fun to read your taste reviews! :D