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RE: Today you have got a full screenshot with wifi hack with Android (wps wpa only) root unirot can use everyone (with proof on toto link router)

in #food6 years ago

On your Android phone, download and install WPS Connect app from the Google Play Store.
Open the app and tap on the “scan” button to start WiFi scanning.
Wait for a while, as it will take some time to prepare the list of all the nearby WiFi networks.
Once the list has been populated, it will show you the detail of each WiFi network including the network radio name, router MAC address, password security type, signal strength.
Simply tap on the network you want to hack into and a popup box will appear with a predefined list of PIN codes according to the type of WiFi router.
Tap on the first PIN code and select “Try” button to start the hacking attempt. This process will take a while to complete.
If the PIN didn’t match then the app will provide you with some suggestions to increase your chances of hacking the WiFi. Apart from that, you can tap on the “Cancel” button and then retry connecting to the WiFi network by selecting another PIN code from the list.

Else, if you are lucky enough and the PIN matched with the selected WiFi router then the app will reveal the name of WiFi network along with the password. You can then tap on the “Copy” button to copy the shown password and use it to connect to the WiFi device.