Adventures In Cooking

in #food6 years ago

I've been attempting new recipes lately and thought I'd share pics of some failed attempts. I don't know why. Maybe I feel like I'm going to become a better cook as I practice and want to document my progress or perhaps I'm just bored or both!

pre-mixed non-dairy nacho cheese

I zoned out (was also rush cooking for the Beau) and didn't think to check if the potatoes and carrots were tender enough. I'm pretty sure that was the issue. I will attempt this recipe again soon.

Too oily cauliflower bites

I don't think I will attempt this particular recipe again. But, will look for a healthier and not so smelly version.

Oatmeal with nuts, dried fruit, and stewed apples

I'm having issues with my stewed apples without cow's butter and I write this, I think I will use coconut cream or even some type of soy creamer; I've always thought it would taste weird. The only way to know is to try and let go of how I feel it should taste and embrace the different yet delicious new spin, hopefully!

Stay tuned!