Finding motivation to eat at home

in #food8 years ago

Today I left the park, hangry but inspired at the same time. I have moved into an amazing apartment in midtown of sacramento. It's a thriving time right now in the city and seems to be filling up with more and more great spots to eat, enjoy coffee, drink and ways to spend time outside of home. My friends Emilio and Nikki made the laughing joke of "How do you live here and not eat out every night?" And honestly it seems impossible. Although, I have some secrets to share.

No. 1 Budget
I can definitely say a cup of coffee takes away a great deal of cash from me. Until I look at money differently. A (general estimate) $5 cup of coffee is (for the minimum wage budget) half an hour of work. Now I am a student and my job is not what exactly I want to do with my life. So, spending $5 means spending half an hour of my life doing something that does not accomplish my true goal. Can I afford to spend that time or could I possibly spend it differently? You can apply this to every purchase you make, even something as big as buying a car - how many hours of your life will you have to spend working to have that?

No. 2 Location
Great locations where you live will not let you down. I am surrounded by great restaurants but within the same walking distance is a grocery store. Along with Tuesdays supplying a wonderful farmers market for cheap and abundant fruits, veggies, honey, and other healthy delicious foods. I take advantage of these things because growing up outside of Chicago gave me the perspective that these things are a precious rare gem, treat it as so!

No. 3 Connection
Most meals I don't eat alone. Actually I spend time in the kitchen bumping elbows with someone, sitting on counters talking, and enjoying the chance to make more than food. I've fallen in love with someone over food cooked together, slow danced to pass the hangry moments away, listened to a friend(s) get out all that had been hurting them or share their happiest moments, and had the greatest laughs of food fight battles.

And because of my friends today, I made sure to make a meal from home. Here's what I'm enjoying!

Apple pie and Enchiladas. :P

Food has this satisfying taste that you cannot get unless you've created it. I swear, it's not scary even for those who may not be the best cooks.

To help share the motivation to make a meal at home, share your favorite recipe below!


Haha. Excellent post

Great post! Save money!