Boiled shrimp are very tasty when served as a mixed salad or dipped in sauce. Although it looks easy, boiling shrimp need a trick to keep it crisp and tasty. When buying shrimp, make sure you choose really fresh shrimp. Medium-sized to large, translucent skin and head still attached to it's body. Freshly scented like seawater.
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Wash the prawns clean and then drain. Boil enough water in a pan, give a little salt. Enter the shrimp and leave for 2 minutes or until the shrimp shell becomes reddish orange. Raise the shrimp immediately.
Do not be too long to boil the shrimp, or let the shrimp to curve into the tail. This marks the shrimp is too ripe and the texture will be hard and less tasty.
Put the shrimp in a bowl with a little water and ice cubes. Let stand until the shrimp is cold. Then, peel the skin and head the shrimp. Leave the tail or peel all over.
Should put boiled shrimp in cold temperatures. Put the boiled shrimp in a bowl and place the bowl on a basin of ice cubes. Or put the shrimp in a closed container and store it in the refrigerator. Try to always put boiled shrimp in cold temperatures so as not to be easily damaged or smelly.
Boiled shrimp can be served to mix Prawn Salad or directly eaten with lemon juice and cocolan tartar sauce.