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RE: Let's make Banana Pancakes!! , the Leftover Banana Dilema

in #food3 years ago

That beautiful first photo could have been a silent post all by itself. That is a more than amazing photo.

I love bananas. When I first saw it I wondered what would go on it. Somehow, maple syrup didn't sound right from over here, but you never know till you try it... .right?

No chocolate chips for me please. There are people it seems, that think they make everything better, but not me. To each their own of course. 🙂

Experimenting is fun !


Thank you. Once in a while, I get lucky as the normal for me is to miss nature shots. I swear to God!

I don't like the maple syrup, but, one of my kids does. So I tossed it in. Haha ditto with the chocolate chips. I said that down in a comment earlier. All of my family likes it, but, it is a no go for me. I have never like them in all the different things people put them in, except cookies. Tollhouse Cookies with nuts in them too. Then, there is forgiveness.

I actually like a scattering of berries on top, especially if I have but a little sugar in them and they have some syrup to spare. :)

I hope you are having a great day! I am thinking cauliflower pizza tonight! I won't put my friends through the agony of that post! :) I have already done that. Enjoy the rest of your day!

I have to agree that the chocolate chips in Tollhouse cookies are the bomb.... but that is nearly it. We use to have a 60s recipe call Hello Dolly which was a layered bar type cookie and it included chocolate chips and maybe butterscotch ones too. Those were pretty good and RICH ! yum yum !

I like maple syrup on rare occasion. Even though I am a sugar addict from birth, that is nearly too sweet for even me. Love other maple flavored things though, like homemade maple cremes..... yum yum... again

My day has been full of crappy phone calls from the idiots that use our company. LOL Shhhhhh .... don't tell I said that ! It's been hectic, but thankfully almost over. I just got off an hour and a half phone call so my last break was only 45 minutes before quitting time. Skip it because it's so close? Not on your life ! ha ha

Haha! You are a bad girl! :)) Well, they must have deserved your ire and snark to get you all twisted over it. I mean, heavens, my friend! Do they know what is in your nightstand?

Most likely not.

Well, the week is winding down and all that is left is 20 minutes of Wednesday, Thursday, and *Fry-day!
