Japanese Snack Review: UMAIBOU (うまい棒)

in #food7 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians!!

Recently My Japanese friend came here to Cebu to experience the Sinulog Festival.

And... I told him to bring me some snacks and one of them if my Favorite Japanese Snack which is the UMAIBOU!


What does Umaibou mean???

UmaiBou comes from the Japanese words
Umai(うまい) which means Delicious and
BOU(棒)which means Stick.

so basically, it literally means Delicious Stick.
It is a corn snack which is sold all over Japan and it comes with different flavours.

And fortunately in this review.
My friend brought me 11 flavors of Umaibou to try.

so lets start!!

1.)Cheese Bou (チーズ棒)
Cheese is a very common flavour we can see on every snacks in the world and for this Cheese Bou, the aroma of the cheese is not too strong also with the taste which is pretty good. It has the right balance which is not too salty and not too sweet.

2.) Yasai Sarada Bou (うまい棒やさいサラダ)
Yasai means Vegetables and Sarada means salad.Thus Vegetable Salad Stick.
If you ever tried the Filipino Snack called "Snacku" the taste and the smell is kinda the same BUT not that strong. the flavour is has is milder compared to "snacku".

3.)Natto Bou ( なっと棒)
なっとう(natto) flavour.
natto is a traditional japanese food.It is a fermented soybean which has a strong flavor and smell and most foreigner cant handle its taste.But I have tried natto before and the tatse was okay for me...for this umaibou natto falvour, the smell is kinda the same with the real natto but not too strong, the taste was kinda strong specially the first bite, its weird it has kinda a spicyness that goes to your nose when u take a bite.

4.)Sarami Bou(サラミ棒)
Salami Bou tstes like an actual Salami and it has kinda cheesy taste to it.

5.)Tonkatsu sauce Bou(とんかつソース棒)
If you have ever tatsed sauce before the taste is really the same. Its like the corn stick was dip in a bowl of tonkatsu sauce, it has a bit of sourness to its tatse and much crisp than other umaibou.

6.)Mentai bou(めんたい棒)
Mentai bou mean Roe Pollock stick. My friend told me that this is suppose to be a spicy Umaibou. but when i took a bite on it, i could not really tatse the any spiceness, more of like a cheezy falvour and kinda sour. The taste is kinda new to my taste bud so this one is really hard to explain.

7.)Yakitori bou (やきとり棒)
Yakitori means Chicken Barbeque.It smells so good and taste very good. It has a sweet taste you can definitely taste the yakitori sauce grilled over charcoal.

8.)Sugar Rusk (シュガーラスク棒)
Sugar rush bou is different from other umaibou this one is coated with sugar rusk which is sweet and milky, it has a sweetcorn taste and a little coconut taste in it.. or maybe my taste bad is just playing with me since i ate too much Umaibou

9.)Takoyaki Bou(たこ焼棒)
Tako means octupos.. takoyaki is a famous ball-shaped snack in Japan speacially in Osaka, this snacks is love by Japanese and Tourist.It has the smell of takoyaki sauce, also the smell is kinda similar to yakitori,there is a bit of sourness but you can really taste the takoyaki flavour.. but also kinda the same with the yakitori.

10.)Teriyaki burger Bou (テリヤキバーガー棒)
The taste is really quite the same with teriyaki, there is a bit of sourness with it.

11.)Chicken Curry (チケンカレー棒)
Chicken Curry bou has a strong flavour just from opening the package you can really smell the curry spices and as expected with the taste which is a strong curry flavour every bite of it, but still delicious.

Japanese Snack Umaibou(うまい棒) is definitely my favorite Japanese snack. Every flavour is Unique and everything is very delicious.But if I have to pick a favorite among all the flavours that i have tasted,then i will pick the Yakitori since I always love Barbeque flavour.
This snack can be enjoyed by everyone from children to adult.

If you ever come across a Japanese Convinience store or maybe go to Japan.
Then this snack is a MUST TRY.

Thank you for Reading Steemians.
Please stay tune for my other Japanese Snack Review



@jade.kathy, i love this baya but i forgot what flavor my student gave me, I guess the #9 . Hehe