250 gr flour
2 eggs chicken
Salt to taste
Regular/water bouillon to taste
Flavor enhancer (royco/masako) could skip
Eating oil to taste
Fine materials:
2 cloves garlic
3 cloves garlic
Pepper to taste
The stuffing ingredients:
What brand of instant noodles (I use the delicious fried noodles)
Chilli sauce to taste
Mayonaise to taste
How to make:
- combine the flour, egg, seasoning salt, flavoring and water, stir until blended (batter not lumpy dam not too dilute)
- Cook the dough at pan tokoyaki that has been eating oil apply sparingly.
- give filling leeks and instant noodle
- then after half-cooked, turning the dough so that the round
- Cook until cooked through and lightly browned with low heat
- Once cooked, lift and give the toping according to taste
- serve and ready to be eaten
INDONESIAthanks for visiting my blog, don't forget followMe @jaly6517, upvote, comment and resteem
Bahan :
250gr terigu
2 butir telur ayam
Garam secukupnya
Air kaldu /air biasa secukupnya
Penyedap rasa (royco/masako) bisa di-skip
Minyak makan secukupnya
Bumbu halus:
2 siung Bawang merah
3 siung Bawang putih
Lada secukupnya
Bahan isian:
Mie instan merek apa saja (saya pakai mie sedap goreng)
daun bawang
Topping :
Saus cabe secukupnya
Mayonaise secukupnya
cara membuat :
- Campurkan tepung terigu, telur ayam, bumbu halus, garam, penyedap dan air aduk sampai rata (adonan tidak kental dam tidak terlalu encer)
- Masak adonan dicetakan tokoyaki yang telah di oleskan minyak makan secukupnya.
- Beri isian daun bawang dan mie instan
- Lalu setelah setengah matang, balik adonan sehingga berbentuk bulat
- Masak sampai matang dan berwarna kecoklatan dengan api kecil
- Setelah matang, angkat dan beri toping sesuai selera
- Sajikan dan siap untuk disantap